World time desktop clock
World time desktop clock

world time desktop clock

Weather (current condition with temperature and description).

world time desktop clock

#World time desktop clock full

Moon phase with days until next full moon and new moon.Time of sunrise and sunset (calculated within the program, no internet connection required) and the length of the current day in hours and minutes.Earth shadow (the areas which are lit by the sun = day or in the dark = night).Position of the selected city and country borders.The start time and date of the last transition (start or end of daylight saving time) and the next transition.Information wheather daylight saving is in place (in the northern hemisphere during the summer, in the south during winter) currently.Local Time Offset (difference to your local time, the system time of your computer).UTC Offset (Coordinated Universal Time) - more info here.Name of the current time zone (can change during daylight saving time).The Select City dialog also shows some additional info: The search field also accepts country names, if you are only looking for the capital city of a country. You can find the desired city by entering the first characters of it in the search field or by selecting continent, country and city. The data source for the cities is and the time zone database comes from. Sharp World Clock contains a database with more than 23,000 cities worldwide (all capital cities and cities with more than about 15,000 inhabitants). When near a border, they "stick" to it, to allow for easier positioning. You can later re-attach it by selecting Dock. To undock a clock (detach it from the main window), select Undock. To add a clock, select "Add" (the clock will be duplicated and you can then change its city). To adjust the columns and rows, open the Settings dialog and look for the track bar on the bottom of the dialog. You can arrange the clocks in a grid array with adjustable columns and grids or in a horizontal or vertical line, but you can also undock clocks from the main window and position them anywhere on the desktop. Sharp World Clock can show analog clocks (with hands) or digital clocks - or both. To resize the clock(s) move the mouse cursor on top of the window and move the resize handle in the bottom right corner (shows up only on mouse-hover): The main window and undocked clocks are resizable and can be dragged anywhere on the desktop. The clocks are resizable without any loss of visual quality (due to the use of hardware accelerated WPF technology). You can decide how many clocks you would like to see at any time. It can display the local time for multiple cities and time zones with correct daylight savings. Sharp World Clock is a desktop clock program for Windows. Analog or digital World Clocks See the time in all Cities and Time Zones

World time desktop clock